The SmartMDSD Toolchain

The SmartMDSD Toolchain is an Integrated Software Development Environment (IDE) for system composition in an robotics software business ecosystem. It supports the different roles that act around the development of robotics systems to offer building blocks and/or use building blocks to build systems.

Robotics solution providers can use the SmartMDSD Toolchain to develop software components. Robotics System Builders can use the SmartMDSD Toolchain to compose their sytems from previously developed software components. For both of them, the SmartMDSD Toolchain provides guidance through tooling and enables users to gain benefit from 20 years of best-practices of robotics component and system development. The SmartMDSD Toolchain is based on the Eclipse IDE and model-driven software development techniques (using Xtext, Xtend and Sirius).

Release Notes

The SmartMDSD toolchain is hosted on Eclipse since release 3.14 while all the other parts of the SmartSoft World of Servicerobotics Ulm remain hosted in the GitHub repository:

The SmartMDSD toolchain was hosted on GitHub until releasse 3.13:

Selected Publications

See also: Further Publications


The SmartMDSD Toolchain is under development since 2009. In the past, its development has been funded by several projects of Servicerobotik Ulm. Currently, the main contributions are by RobMoSys and SeRoNet.

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