
Advanced Installation with the Eclipse OOMPH Installer (for users and developers)

For experts only.

You can use the default Eclipse (OOMPH) installer for which we provide custom installer configuration setup files (if you need a more customized installation). This section describes detailed step-by-step insallation instructions for how to configure the installer. In brief, the overall installation procedure consists of two main steps:

  1. Download the latest Eclipse (OOMPH) Installer.
  2. Download one of the provided installer configurations, and select it during installation within the Eclipse installer:

Please also visit the SmartMDSD Toolchain Github Repository and its public releases section.

1. Download, extract and execute the latest Eclipse (OOMPH) Installer

Go to and download the latest Eclipse (OOMPH) Installer:

It does not matter if you use a newer installer version than the one shown in the screenshot. Each Eclipse Installer version allows installation of different Eclipse versions. Later we will select the Oxygen version within the installer.

After downloading, extract and execute the Eclipse Installer.

  1. Open Menu (on the top right of the installer window)
  2. Optionally: select Update to get the most recent version of the installer (after Update the installer will restart)
  3. Select Advanced Mode

You should now see this window:

  • Select the Eclipse Modeling Tools package
  • Select Oxygen as the Product Version
  • Select your JDK 8 installation
  • Activate Bundle Pool (this is optional, yet highly recommended)
  • Press Next

Now you can proceed with step 2. (see the following section).

2. Download and select a suitable installer configuration

Go to the SmartMDSD Toolchain Github repository and download one of the two different installer configurations:

From here on, proceed with one of the following two options:

  • 2.1: if you want to start developing robotics components and systems
  • 2.2: if you want to dig into the details of the behind-the-scene realization of the toolchain plugins

2.1 Setup the precompiled SmartMDSD Toolchain runtime version

If you just like to try out the SmartMDSD Toolchain, or to start developing robotics components and systems, then please download the SmartMDSD.runtime.setup.

Now go back to the Eclipse Installer and select the downloaded installer configuration:

  1. Press the + icon to add our custom installer setup
  2. Select Eclipse Projects in the Catalog drop-down menu
  3. Press Browse File System… and select the downloaded installer configuration
  4. Press OK

You should now see this window:

Press Next and you should see this window:

Here you can configure some installation options, like the installation location where the SmartMDSD Toolchain should be installed into. Please keep Oxygen as the taget platform. Now press Next and you should see this window:

Here just press Finish and the installation process will automatically download all the required Eclipse plugins (from the public Eclipse repositories) and the SmartMDSD Toolchain plugins (from our hosted update site). During installation, the installer will ask to confirm the used licenses (like the Eclipse Public License (EPL) and the BSD 3 License which is used by the SmartMDSD related plugins).

Please accept all these licenses as it is mandatory to complete the installation process. Furthermore, the installer will warn about unsigned content and ask for confirmation. At the moment, our SmartMDSD Toolchain plugin binaries are not yet signed with an official Eclipse certifacate, but rest assured, they are safe to use so please accept this warning:

After the installation process finishes, a new Eclipse instance will be automatically started which now consist of all the required SmartMDSD Toolchain plugins.

Here you can deactivate the option “Always show Welcome at start up”, and close the Welcome page. You can now use this Eclipse instance to develop robotics software components and systems.

From here, you can have a look into the Tutorials sections that provides various examples for the usage of the SmartMDSD Toolchain. Have fun!

2.2 Setup the SmartMDSD Toolchain plugin sources

If you want to investigate the SmartMDSD Toolchain sources and to dig into the details, then please download the SmartMDSD.github.setup installer configuration file.

The configuration of the installer is very similar to the runtime installation (see section 2.1), with the difference that another installer configuration file (see link above) is used. In the following, only the deviating screenshots (compared to 2.1) are presented.

We assume that you have downloaded and execured the Eclipse installer as shown in section 1, as well as that you have selected the “Eclipse Modeling Tools” package and pressed “Next”. Now you can select the downloaded SmartMDSD.github.setup installer configuration file as shown in the next screenshot:

  1. Press the + icon to add our custom installer setup
  2. Select Github Projects in the Catalog drop-down menu
  3. Press Browse File System… and select the downloaded installer configuration
  4. Press OK

You should now see this window:

Press Next to continue installation. In the next window you can configure some of the installation options like the installation folder and the java runtime.

In contrast to the runtime installer, here you can also select the Github URL for the SmartMDSD Toolchain sources. It is recommended to use the HTTPS (read-only, anonymous) option if you just want to read the sources. Keep Oxygen as the Target Platform and press Next to continue installation. In the next window, just press Finish to start the installation process. During installation, you will be asked to accept the required licenses and certificates that you should comply. At some point a new Eclipse instance will be automatically started as shown in the following screenshot:

Please note, when the new Eclipse Instance is automatically started, the installation process is not yet finished! Instead, the second part of the installation process continues that automatically clones the Github repository for the toolchain sources, imports them into a new Eclipse workspace and compiles the whole workspace. You can track the progress by clicking on the rotating icon at the bottom right in the Eclipse Window (see screenshot above). The compilation procedure will take some time (approx. 10 minutes). At the end you should see the confirmation about the completed installation process:

From here you can start a Runtime Eclipse Instance to see the compiled plugins in action by selecting the Eclipse menu: RunDebug Configuration…. You should see this dialog:

Select the Launch-Runtime-Toolchain-v3.x under “Eclipse Applications” and press Debug. This will start a yet another Eclipse Instance that automatically loads and executes all the compiled workspace plugins.

You can use this instance to create new Domain Model Repositories, Components and Systems. It is recommended to open the Modeling Perspective as shown in the following screenshot:

This concludes the overall installation process. Have fun!

smartmdsd-toolchain/installation-advanced.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/23 11:06 by

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